
Beritech Strengthens Its Pharma Division: Anders Lomholt Appointed Site Director in Zealand


Whether on the production floor or in the executive corridors, Anders Lomholt focuses on building relationships and networking. His extensive background in the pharmaceutical industry has demonstrated to him that value creation and significant results stem from these initiatives.

Beritech is proud to announce that this approach will now become an integral part of the company.

Effective August 1, 2024, Anders Lomholt will assume the role of Site Director in Zealand, Denmark. With nearly 25 years of experience in production, project management, and process optimization, Anders is the right person to lead the Zealand department. At Beritech, they never underestimate the critical importance of having the right people in the organization.

Photo: Martin Høyer

Shared Visions

Beritech is driven by the desire to create value for its customers. While striving for development and growth, customer satisfaction remains the foremost priority. These visions align perfectly with those of Anders Lomholt, both in theory and practice.

At Beritech, delivering tailored pharmaceutical solutions that meet high customer demands has always been a top priority. Solutions grounded in real-world experience and that is exactly what Anders brings to his new role:

“I have always aspired to be part of a company where I can leverage my knowledge and influence development without excessive bureaucratic obstacles. At Beritech, I see the opportunity to fulfill this aspiration.”

Master’s Degree in Biology and Executive MBA – From Detail to the Big Picture

Anders Lomholt boasts an impressive career with companies such as ALK A/S, Novo Nordisk A/S, Bavarian Nordic A/S, and AGC Biologics. He has extensive experience in both production and leadership and has successfully led organizational transformations and production facilities – skills that Beritech will greatly benefit from.

With an Executive MBA from Copenhagen Business School and a master's degree in biology from the University of Copenhagen, he is well-equipped to tackle the company’s future challenges. Additionally, his role as Chairman of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Committee in the Danish Association of the Pharmaceutical Industry underscores his deep commitment to the sector:

“As chairman, together with the committee, I have worked diligently to improve the conditions for pharmaceutical production in Denmark. This includes access to qualified labor, green transition, and close dialogue and collaboration with key regulatory authorities.”

After completing his MBA, he gained additional motivation to handle complex organizational tasks:

“The role of Site Director at Beritech is a golden opportunity to use both my professional experience and MBA. I wanted to take on challenges with a growing or transforming company, and that is exactly what Beritech represents.”

“I have always aspired to be part of a company where I can leverage my knowledge and influence development without excessive bureaucratic obstacles. At Beritech, I see the opportunity to fulfill this aspiration.”
– Anders Lomholt

Inside the Pharmaceutical Industry

Anders Lomholt understands the critical importance of relationships in the pharmaceutical industry, which he describes as “a reserved industry”:

“Much of the work in Pharma sales is not about selling. It is about building networks, creating trust, and understanding. I have practiced this for many years, and I bring this experience to Beritech.”

Beritech has demonstrated its ability to quickly adapt to market changes, even during massive growth from 2020-2024. This flexible approach has enabled the company to keep pace with a dynamic market, and Anders Lomholt will be a key player in continuing this agile strategy.

His expertise enables Beritech to meet industry demands, offering customers the benefits of the company's growing and robust capabilities in the pharmaceutical sector.

He also notes the challenges that rapid growth can bring.

“The company’s explosive growth since 2020 is impressive. The challenge now is to become even more recognized in the industry. I hope to help spread the Beritech name and address customer concerns regarding the capacity to meet their expectations and requirements.”

But this is a challenge he is ready to face:

“If you had told me a year ago that I would be joining a North Jutland company, I wouldn’t have believed you. However, as my start date approaches, I am incredibly happy to have been given the opportunity and look forward to becoming part of Beritech.”

For further information

Please contact Anne Kold, Marketing & Communications Manager, at +45 60 12 15 10 or